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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus.

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SSTN - Number 220
August 20, 2001

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1) Ten Commandments Song?
2) Body Worship
3) 18 months to 3yr olds
4) Jungle Theme?
5) Ten Commandments Crafts/Games?
6) Teen mania
7) Rally Day activities
8) Women's Fellowship
9) Songs about Proverbs?
10) Burning bush craft idea
11) 12 months - 3 years
12) Christian music

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1) Ten Commandments Song?

I too have been searching for a Ten Commandments Song that I learned in
second grade, WAY back in the early 60's. I would love to get a hold of it
to teach my first grade CCD class. The song's words are:

First, I must honor God
Second, honor his name
Third, honor his day, keep holy,
this must be my aim.
Fourth, I must be obedient
Fifth, be kind and true
Sixth be pure in all I say and
think and hear and do.

...this is where I'm not quite sure. I'd love to get the rest of this.
Any help would be great! Thanks. Nancy

The rest is:

Seventh, I must be honest
Eighth, be truthful in all things I say
Ninth, be pure in mind and heart
and in all I think and desire each day
Tenth, I must satisfied
not be jealous come what may.
These are God's 10 commandments.
These I must obey

I don't have the record, but I also learned it in school, way back in the
fifties! Catherine Romanik

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2) Body Worship

hi...i'm presently working to put on a body worship for a convalescent
home this coming august. . . .Try a web search for resources on liturgical
or sacred dance or email betty.kirchmer@att.net . This sounds like a
wonderful service opportunity for your youth. Peace and Blessings

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3) 18 months to 3yr olds

HI from Australia, In response to Shirl Rose from Hawaii about nursery
group. I have set up a group for 18month to 3yr olds called Tiny Tots.
It is such a blessing to watch these little lives be wrapped up with the
gospel. If you can teach them Twinkle little star why not Jesus loves me.
We use a combination of lagre bible story flash cards and lots of bible
songs mixed with lots of cuddles and fun.
After all Jesus said FEED MY SHEEP not babysit them..
Warmest blessings in this very important ministry
Maree Southall

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4) Jungle Theme?

We are starting the new year out with a jungle theme: Life Is A Jungle:
Handle With Prayer. I am looking for jungle games and/or ideas. Thanks.

--from SSTN: check out the Craft section of the Bookstore in
ChristianCrafters.com for "Safari Crafts For Kids". ysic, sarah <><

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5) Ten Commandments Crafts/Games?

We will be doing a series at church on the 10 commandments and how God's
love is seen through them. We spent the morning working out craft
ideas...but would love to have additional feedback on other crafts as well
as game ideas relating to the commands? (K-4th grade) Thanks! Sarah K.

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6) Teen mania

I just had 2 teen age daughters return from mission trips with teen
mania. I cannot say enough about how this has affected their walk....TM
has an incredible web site-check out "mission control" to hear about this
years mission trips.

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7) Rally Day activities

Our Rally Day always starts with a theme. This year our theme is
"Sunday School is really cool." We will have our kids gather in the
fellowship hall and watch a skit about Sunday School. We have
an adult member portraying the apostle Peter relating how "cool"
it was to walk with Jesus. We will sing a couple of songs, and
pass our sunglasses to all the kids. We will end with cookies and
punch and play limbo and a couple of relay races. The fellowship
hall will be decorated in a beach theme. Hope this helps
Laura in Ohio

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8) Women's Fellowship

To the person who was looking for a program for the Women's Fellowship. I
organized this at my church and we had a great time. We asked all the
ladies to wear any formal dress they had, from the prom, from being in
weddings, anyone that wanted to wear a formal dress did. We had light
refreshments. Then I gave a talk about manners, I got the information from
the local library, it was so interesting to find what is behind the
manners, for example, a dinner is only a formal dinner when someone other
than the people eating serves the meal. One lady wore a fancy velvet dress
that belonged to her mother and the lady herself was in her 70's. You
could have the ladies stand and tell where and when they wore the dress.
Of course the dresses don't have to be formal, just something that they
wore for a special occasion as not everyone might have a formal dress.

Another time we all made hats from stuff we found around the house. Then
we had a tea and everyone walked around and showed their hats off, we had
some winners, it was so amazing to see the creativity of the ladies.

Hope this might be of help. Faith Scott

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9) Songs about Proverbs?

Hi I am looking for a song tape my girls had when they
were younger. I know longer have it and would like to
get one for my grandkids. It is not Consider the Ant
that is out now. It was songs about Proverbs and I
think it had ants on the front.
It had songs like about caring for animals "Father he
followed me home, can I keep him he's all alone.... "
And - If you give..give..give...then you
live...live...live...like the Lord..Lord..Lord wants
you to..to..to....and if you'll be..be...be what he
wants...wants...wants...then you'll be blessed
blessed..blessed...blessed & feel refreshed ...
freshed..freshed..if you care..care..care...& try to
share..share...share..then you will see..see..see that
you'l be hap..hap..happy!!
They were sung by adults and children.
I hope someone can help I have looked everywhere. I
got these words from my daughter who is 25 and still
remembers them! Thanks! Narita

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10) Burning bush craft idea

We have been teaching our 2 - 4 year old class about the life of Moses and
the ten commandments for the past two months. Here are a few simple
they have enjoyed:
(a) Use glue sticks to glue strips of red crepe paper to a large
tongue depressor. As you read the story of Moses and the burning bush,
can shake their burning bushes at certain places in the story.
(b) Cut red and yellow tissue paper into 2 inch tear drop patterns,
making several of each color per child. Give each child a white piece of
construction paper and a paintbrush. Set out bowls containing a mixture of
one part glue and one part water. Have the children place red and yellow
tissue flames on the paper at random, overlapping the yellow and red
Have the children paint over the flames with the glue mixture using a
paintbrush. The overlap of the yellow and red flames should produce orange
(c) Finally, as the children become familiar with the story let
them act it out. Make a large burning bush by collecting tree and/or bush
branches. Bundle the ends together with a rubber-band and stick it into
modeling clay so it will stand by itself. Each child will glue a handful
yellow, orange or red crinkled paper strips (the precut kind you can stuff
gift bags with) to a Popsicle stick. When the glue is dry, they will
their "flame" into the large bush making it look like it is on fire.
they can take turns being Moses by wearing a child's house robe and
to God in the burning bush. When they return to the group, they tell
Pharaoh (a.k.a. the teacher) to "Let God's People Go!". ~~ Kim in
Springfield, TN

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11) 12 months - 3 years

Hi Shirl, Although I have not personally taught this age group, I know my
daughter went to a Christian child care facility that had ages 6 weeks
through 12 years. She was there until she was just over 3 and they did a
lot of things to teach the younger ones about Jesus. First of all, they
taught lessons in easy to understand ways, and didn't worry so much about
memorizing bible verses and such. For example:

1. Love one another or Do unto others= Share, take turns, use your

2. Honor mom and dad= Listen, respect, follow rules.

3. Honor your Lord= sit quietly in church, learn your prayers, keep
yourself clean and your things neat (respect for what you have been given)

I am sure you get the idea. Take the lesson and make it a little easier
to understand. For "crafts" some ideas:

1. Cut out the children's handprints to make the wings of an angel and
then help the kids glue.

2. Trace their hands on to paper and let them "color", write a saying
such as "my hands do God's work" on the paper.

3. Cut shapes such as a cross out of heavy paper and have them "marlble
paint" by putting a marble into some paint and putting the picture into
the top of a heavy box or into a cake pan and roll the marlble colors onto
it (make sure you have a helper for this one!!)

Songs and music are always a hit. Have them learn "Jesus loves me"
(nothing sweeter than a bunch of children singing this one), "Father
Abraham" gets the wigglies out if you learn the hand motions or have them
march, or J-E-S-U-S ( to the tune of the kids favorite B-I-N-G-O, help me
out folks, I don't remember the words). I have several children's song
tapes and CD's from the Christian bookstore, some come with words and
dances too!!

Good luck, God's Blessings and keep up the great work....you are these
kids' introduction to Sunday School and sometimes into Christianity
altogether.....hope these ideas help.

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12) Christian music

This is in answer to Shelly Sutton's request for contemporary Christian
music for kids...A great CD I have is "SHOUT TO THE LORD KIDS!" Put out
by Integrity Music. If Sarah doesn't have it in her store you can get it
from their website at www.integritymusic.com. It has wonderful upbeat
worship songs that my kids and I love! I use it at home, in the car and
at Sunday School. Hope this helps. Kim from Virginia.

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