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there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 7 - January 23, 2006

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Premium Club Membership...Good For ONE SOLID YEAR!

1) Pen Pals
2) Western Theme VBS in KJV
3) Western Theme VBS in KJV
4) Class of Two Boys

Amazing Science Devotions

5) Class of Two Boys
6) Class of Two Boys
7) Class of Two Boys
8) Class of Two Boys
9) Western VBS
10) Cowboy Song

<>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <><

Premium Club Membership...Good For ONE SOLID YEAR!

Now, when you become a Premium Club Member, you receive discounts for an
entire year on all our Curriculum Creatives items. Follow the link below
to learn more:


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1) Pen Pals

I teach Sunday School class at Lower Grassy Church of Chrsit in Grayson,
Ky.  My class would like to start writing to pen pals.  I made a request a
couple of months ago and received a couple of pen pals, if any one would
be interested, I still have some more students who are interested in
becoming pen pals. 
I have 8 students.  6 boys and 2 girls ages 11-12, 5th and 6th graders. 
If you would be interested could you please email me at
jovennaclifton@earthlink.net.  Thank you
--from SSTN: check our archives and links pages too:

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2) Western Theme VBS in KJV

I am very confused. If you have PC study Bible on your computer or a
parallel Bible - all translations are given.  You can read the text for
each lesson in KJV if you prefer and as Sarah said, print out the Memory
verses in KJV. 
KJV is not the anointed version - it is a translation, like many others. 
We use it in church, but we understand it was translated by a man (just
like all the others).

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3) Western Theme VBS in KJV

Hi Sandy, our church only uses the KJV also.  I understand how challenging
it is to find curriculum in only KJV and the time it takes to 're-do'
lessons from another version is quite time consuming!  I feel like I have
found a pot of gold when I find a book, card, plaque, anything that
already has a KJV verse printed on it.
Our church uses only Regular Baptist Press materials for our VBS. Although
they do offer items in other versions, they always have a VBS curriculum
ready in the KJV.  It does makes for slim choices , I think there may be a
few more VBS kits in KJV but we find that RBP is one of the better ones. 
Back in 2003, I think,  they had one called 'Trail Blazer s' and it was a
Western Theme.  Maybe someone has materials left over for that. 
Unfortunately we gave all of ours to a Missionary.  I hope this helps.
I would love to hear more from you if you find any other good KJV only
my e-mail is mizlamar@yaoo.com and of course share with the SS teachers

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4) Class of Two Boys

At our church we have a second service that sometimes has anywhere from 1
– 12 kids. We sometimes have only one or two and you’re right, it’s really
hard to teach this small number of kids. But I praise you for holding
class for these two kids! So often teachers feel if there are only one or
two it’s not worth teaching and they just send them up to worship. This
send a message to the kids that they are not important. By devoting a
Sunday school hour to two boys that lets them know they are valuable and
worthy of your time. I have found that with one or two science lessons
work well. Also cooking, they get to take home extra goodies! Crafts are
good. Movies and computer lessons work well. Games and drama are the two
that would not work so well. Hope this helps, good luck and may God bless
your ministry!  


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Amazing Science Devotions

Great hands-on lessons for boys and girls. You can find this book
in our bookstore by typing the title into the search box at:

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5) Class of Two Boys

>I only have two boys in my class (one 4th grade and one sixth grade).
>I've found that >it's nearly impossible to do skits or active games with
>only two, and just reading

What to you mean you can't do skits or active games with two boys?

Why can't they be TV reporters?  Interview each other about the story.
Better yet, why don't they make their own mics, and interview YOU the
teacher.  You be the main character and tell the story that way.

Kids that age love cartoons.  Why don't they hear a story from you, and
come up with a four frame story line?   If you are doing a theme over 8
weeks, have the boys put the cartoons in a booklet form, and sell them to
the congregation to raise money for a project that your class is doing. 
Project doesn't need to be missions, but something for the class. 
Something the boys would enjoy playing or using.

Take a game like snakes and ladders. Change the rules.  Have the boys make
playing cards. Say the story of Joseph.  They can make cards that say he
takes so many steps on his journey.  If they come to a card that says
something bad happens like the pit or jail... the person has to go down
nearest snake, not that they have to LAND on it.   When Joseph obeys, he
moves UP the nearest ladder. Doesn't have to LAND on it.  Come up with
own rules.

Be creative.  Two boys will give you time to give them added individual
teaching.  Get to know them as boys, not people in your class.  Find out
their concerns, and fears.  Use that information and show how your story
gives the answers.

You have the opportunity to make your class loads of fun.

bw, retired Minster

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6) Class of Two Boys

I have the same problem in my class.  My boys are both preschoolers
though.  I would also love to hear any ideas on how to keep the interest
of a class this small.  There seems to be too much time in class for only
two children.  When I had more kids we used all of the class time and more
for the same things that are taking much less time now.  Please let me
know if you find out anything usefull.
Kendra in Illinois - dkhunter@consolidated.net

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7) Class of Two Boys (some suggestions)
We also have currently only two gorls in our Sunday School most
times...the other kids have grown and are now in the regular service.
These are some things I like to do when it is my turn to teach.
a- Have a competition...Read a lesson and then have a question session
like Jeopardy afterwards where they have to buzz in for a turn and answer
the question. This will work well for those age groups. (It's a little
work for you, but it gets easier as you do it, and you find yourself
thinking of questions as you are preparing)
b- I have on occasion had a lesson printed out and have let one of the
girls actually give the lesson to us. It helps them see the importance of
paying attention to the Word and the teacher. They really enjoyed that
c- I have also made a little skit that brings the curent lesson into
todays time...like a situation where there are two friends discussing
something like say "obeying your parents"...when we studied the 10
Commandments. One would read the part about how something they did that
was disobedient and how the punishment was not worth it and the friend
would tell how he had the same struggle but chose to obey and because he
did this was the result. (some sort of blessing) These are short and quick
and even boys are okay with this. I once had them break into groups of two
and write their own based on a lesson or commandment and see if I or the
class (when we had more kids) could guess the scripture it was based on.
d- There is another member in our church that was reading a Christian book
to the kids and having a discussion afterwards (I can't remember the book
right now) They really looked forward to this as it wasn't every week
maybe only once a month they got to do this.
Hope these help a little. It's not easy with a small crowd or a large
crowd, but it's always worth it to bring the Word of God alive in the
hearts of the children. I bet the archives here too have some suggestions
you could use, check them out.
Kathy from Watervliet

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8) Class of Two Boys

Dear Trish, in our ministry we have boys that come and go but for the most
part we only have two boys also that are members. I do a lot of talking
finding out what they are interested in. they like sports so I may plan a
activity such as finding out about Christian athletes and doing one-man
readings about the athlete. My boys are 12 and 13 and I would be
in them learning about the life of boys that live in a different
environment than they do. Contact me at jnlfe@wowway.com. Our ministry is
Christian and we are a intimate ministry. I am a pastor's wife working
with the youth until a gifted youth leader comes.
Leslie in South Holland, Illinois

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9) Western VBS

HeIlo in there!  Please tell Sandy from Kokomo, Indiana  that I know where
she can
get a Western VBS Curriculum that uses the KJV.
We used this curriculum last year.  We had alot of fun--and if u need some
crafts she can e-mail me and I'll pass some on to her.
Tell her to e-mail---
They will be happy to her about the western VBS.
God Bless!----------Moo-Maw

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10) Cowboy Song

I found the words for the cowboy song I was searching for and am sharing
it with all, especially Sandy from Kokomo, Indiana who stated their VBS
theme this year is HeeHaw for Jesus.  The song is sung to the tune of I'm
in the Lord's Army and the song's title is I am the Lord's Cowhand
I may never stomp on a rattlesnake (stomp feet) 
Ride down a canyon (Act like riding a horse) 
Shoot a pair of six-guns (Slap thighs and clap) 
I may never round up the outlaws  (Whirl "rope" over head) 
But I am the Lord's cowhand - (Shout YeeHaw - pretend throwing hat into
I am the Lord's cowhand, (Shout YeeHaw - pretend throwing hat into air)


Hope this helps

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