guidelines are found at the bottom of this newsletter. <<

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**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 87 - August 12, 2003

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--> NEW Midweek Series: "Super Heroes of the Bible"

1) Multiple ages?
2) Men's ties crafts   
3) Girl's activities?
4) Respecting the pastor   

--> NEW Midweek Series: "His Name Shall Be Called..."

5) Murmuring against the pastor
6) Dismissal of pastor,
7) Sunday School Objectives   
8) Gifts for visitors   

--> Midweek Series: "God's Top 10"

9) God changes children?
10) Sunday School Kickoff?
11) Abraham and Sarah Music?
12) VBS Craft Ideas

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

--> Super Heroes of the Bible

This special midweek program examines the lives of some famous
and not-so-famous people who had willing hearts to obey God.
And by obeying him, they were used in miraculous and powerful
ways to help change the course of human history. It is the goal of this
series to build FAITH, COURAGE, and OBEDIENCE in the lives of children,
and to change the world for Jesus Christ.

To learn more, go to this page:
(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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1) Multiple Ages?

I am sunday school teacher of the 3-8 year old  age group, and find it
quite hard to plan lesson to fit the age so they can follow along with
what is being thought and aslo to find activites to finish with is quite
hard for the younger age group. Alot of the lessons are beyond their
knowledge and far to in depth.

I was wondering if you had any ideas that might help me along the way to
make to easy for them and so they enjoy it, have fun, learn something etc.

Georgie Bowker

--from SSTN: there is a huge developmental difference between ages 3 and
8. If it is not possible to separate the children into at least two groups
(3-4 and 5-8), then check out the ideas that teachers have shared in the
Archives List. Use keywords, "multi-aged", "multiage", "multiple", or
"mixed + ages":  http://christiancrafters.com/archives.html
ysic, sarah keith <><

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2) Men's ties crafts   

Many thanks to everyone for the varied suggestions on what can be done
with mens ties. I have printed out the ideas and have a file in my office
at church. I really enjoy the newsletters and look forward to the craft
and activity suggestions that are shared. I will share some of our ideas
once we are through the very busy time of VBS!
Blessings to you all.
Trudy Johnson, Burlington, Canada.

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3) Girl's activities?

Hi I have decided to sponsor a group in our missionette program at my
church, and the girls are 6,7 and 8th grade girls. Being the mom of two
young boys I am asking for any and all ideas on games, crafts, anything
that will help teach these girls while making it fun! I would greatly
appreciate any and all suggestions! thankyou and God bless you! sincerely
dawn bernier

--from SSTN: Hi Dawn, check out our new curriculum series at:

Also, check out the Free Featured Resources at:

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4) Respecting the pastor   

<< go to your senior pastor and talk to him about your
< feelings - not accusing him, but letting him know how you feel.  Make 
<sure you do it in respect of his position.  Mostly - pray -pray and pray

You keep talking about respecting the pastor, but how about a pastor that
was written a letter explaining what was bothering you....you were told to
come in and talk to him...and then....he threw the letter in your face and
started screaming at you. Happened to me.  I lost all respect. To me a
minister should be warm and caring.  Yes, he is in charge of the church,
but shouldn't he listen too? Not leaving my name. He is still at the
church, but I am determined to stay.

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"His Name Shall Be Called..."

The God of the Old and New Testament is known by many names. These names
help us to understand his nature and reputation. They define him as
Protector, Defender, Friend, Advisor, Judge, and Savior to name just a
few. The Third Commandment says, "Do Not Misuse God’s Name". "His Name
Shall Be Called..." contains fun crafts, games, and lessons to teach
respect and honor for God to the children in your ministry. Free USA

To learn more, go to this page:
(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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5) Murmuring against the pastor

I disagree with the statement "...if you murmur against the pastor, you
are murmuring against God."  Pastors are human, God is not.  Pastors make
mistakes, God does not.  I believe pastors are called by God but that does
not mean they will all be good at it...as they are sinful human beings too
and their choices are not always made with God's will in mind but their
own.  We are dealing with a pastor who has said "If God wants this parish
to continue and thrive, it will, with no involvement from me."  He does
nothing, but there are those whom he has befriended that stand by him
regardless of the droves leaving.  Our congregation is 1/3 the size it was
before this so called pastor arrived 2 1/2 years ago.  I have tried to
talk to him about the way I feel, to no avail.   Again, in reference to
Toye....respect is earned, it is not an absolute, no matter what position
a person is in.

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6) Dismissal of pastor

I heartily agree with Winnie from Iowa.  I, too am a pastor's wife and
seen the terrible damage done not only to a pastor's family, but to the
chuch from the 'rumour mill.'
Open your mouth only in prayer and meet with your pastor in humility.
Don't ever forget that a stricter judgement is coming to those who teach,
and that is God's job, not ours.

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7) Sunday School Objectives   

Hello, this is in response to the person searching for a by age list of
Sunday School objectives. While I do not claim to be an expert by any
means on this subject, this is a basic list of objectives for each age
group. Keep in mind that in every class there will be kids above and below
the rest of the class, and you should adjust your class appropriately to
meet the needs of every student. First, the basic set of Sunday School
objectives that governs in a way all age groups: a good Sunday School
should 1) Help children become familiar and comfortable with biblical
principles, themes, and stories; 2) Encourage children to apply spiritual
truths in their daily living; 3) Stimulate a desire for spiritual
learning; 4) Teach children to know, understand, and experience the love
of God in a personal way; and 5) Provide opportunities for children to
relate with one another in a Christian environment. Once you know the
basic objectives of all Sunday School classes, you are easily able to
adjust them to the appropriate age group. Preschool ministries should
focus on a child's daily experiences with life and the world around them.
Preschoolers should begin to apply positive Bible teachings in their own
life as they relate to their own experiences. In Sunday School, for
preschoolers, the focus should be based on the eight basic aspects of a
child's spiritual growth: God, Jesus, Bible, Church, Home, Self, Others,
and Nature.  Elementary aged children's Sunday School should revolve or be
governed by one primary objective which is to: lay a foundation for a
child to accept Jesus Christ as his/her Savior at the time in his/her life
when Gods spirit leads him or her to do so. Another important objective at
this age group is to prepare the children for a life of service. Junior
high students should be encouraged to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior
if they have not already done so, and be encouraged further into a life of
service. Many times this is done with mission programs, and volunteer
activities in the community that show the junior high school students that
there church is an important part of the community and so are they. In
addition to these basic Sunday School objectives, there are age-objectives
that all children should be encouraged into at certain times in their
life...things such as when to start cutting basic objects with scissors,
when to start recognizing familiar faces, when to start learning basic
information, etc. If you would like a list of these basic objectives which
are what school systems base their curriculum around, please e-mail me the
ages that you are interested in and I will send you a list. You can reach
me at: living_life_my_way@earthlink.net. Love in Christ, Sarah in

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8) Gifts for visitors   


I read your post and wondered what kind of games you play to see if the
kids remember the story.


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God's Top 10: Understanding God's Love In The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments contain many "Do Nots". They teach us God’s holy
standard and show us how far we fall short of his perfection. But they are
more than this; in these "Do Nots", one can find a positive message: a
message of God’s love. (Developed by Sarah Keith for Kindergarten to 5th
grade) Click below to learn more:


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9) God changes children?

We've a theme that teaches how God changes His children the way a
blacksmith changes iron objects into something new. Has anyone a skit or
maybe original ideas for crafts on this theme? Thanx a lot  -   Karel"

Blessings from our Lord,
Karel Buntinx

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10) Sunday School Kickoff?

I'm looking for new ideas for kicking off the new Sunday School year.
Any suggestions?

Sam in Florida

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11) Abraham and Sarah Music?

I am trying to find some music that I remember using as a Sunday school
teacher years ago. It appealed to young children. The song was about Sarah
not believing that she would have a son. The chorus is something to the
effect of  "Sarah laughed, ha, ha, I am nearly 90 years old." I plan to
this music in October. Thanks for your help.
Menomonee Falls

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12) VBS Craft Ideas

Hi, I saw your email which said that you worked with age 3 to 6 year old
children.  I make our craft projects for Vacation Bible School which
includes ages 3 years to 9th grade.  I would be interested in sharing my
ideas on the younger children with you --- and getting new ideas from you.
If you are interested contact me at khelman@superpa.net.  I am always
looking for new ideas for all ages.  The younger ages are very
I like to have the children make something that they can truly do
themselves (with some assistance) and feel good about  -- not something
that a adult does for them. I have never corresponded with anyone out of
U.S.A.  Hopefully, I will hear from you.

God Bless.
Karlene Helman

--from SSTN: please share your ideas via the network so that all may
benefit. ysic, sarah keith

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support it. Just one dollar per month will help to pay my expenses.

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Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----
Please read the complete copyright information at ChristianCrafters.Com.
You will find the link at the bottom of the homepage.

SSTN Posting Guidelines:  

Publication in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly
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