A Cana Wedding

Bible Skit for Children's Ministry |by Helen Setser

I distributed "wedding invitations" the week before I planned to teach the marriage at Cana. The following week the kids acted out the skit, which I wrote to convey the idea of how a wedding might have occurred in Bible-times. 

Invitation: Aaron and Rebecca request your presence at the wedding of our son Jahaz, and Leah, daughter of Ethan and Ruth.

Time: 11 a.m. next Sunday morning.

Where: "Cana of Galilee," in Children's Church.

Aaron: It is time our son, Jahaz, is married. What do you think of Ethan's girl, Leah?

Rebecca: Oh, I think she would be a good wife for him!

Aaron: I believe I will go right now and talk to Ethan about it.

(Go to Ethan's house and pretend to knock)

Ethan: Oh, hello, Aaron! Come in.

(Both walk back a few steps)

Aaron: My son is needing a wife and we thought Leah would be a good one for him. What do you think?

Ethan: (Act like you are thinking. Rub your chin) Why, yes, I do believe that would be alright.

Aaron: What about the bride's price?

Ethan: (thinking again) How about 18 pieces of silver?

(Son comes to stand by mother)

Aaron: I will go tell my son.

(Goes home) 

Aaron: (to son) Ethan and I have decided Leah would be a good wife for you. What do you think?

Jahaz: Leah? Yes! How much is the bride price?

Aaron: 18 pieces of silver.

(Son gets bag and counts out 18 pieces of silver and goes to Ethan's house and knocks on door.)

Ethan: Well, hello, young man!

Jahaz: Here is the bride's price (goes home)

(Give narrator time to explain days, weeks, or even a year may pass during this time)

(Bride put on veil. You and your friends step out so you can be seen)

(Give a light stick and break it so it will glow, and also the horns to the groom's "friends")

Jahaz and his friends make a parade to the bride's house.

All of the "men" - A bride! A bride!

(Now blow horns)

(Bride and friends join the groom and friends and make a parade back to his house where all pretend to eat and drink)


(Serve grape Kool-Aid and small cakes to all.)

Copyright 2008 Helen Setser

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