Someone is Coming to Our House 

Christmas Puppet Play | by Gail Peterson

Characters: Pastor, Puppets: Gabby the Flamingo, Minnie Moo the Cow, Lamb, and Owl

Pastor: Hi, Gabby. Isn't it wonderful about today?

Gabby: Well, Pastor....I don't know if you've noticed....but it's not fact, it's actually TUESDAY which means we still have 4 more days before Sunday and if you start your sermon now...well your Sunday sermons are long enough...what are your TUESDAY sermons going to be.

Pastor: Gabby.....this is a special's Christmas Eve; the night of the birth of baby Jesus. 

Gabby: Well...okay, I know it's Christmas Eve, that's why I don't have time for one of your sermons; I have a lot of preparation to do.

Pastor: Like what.....

Gabby: I'll show you (brings up a very long stocking) I have to hang my stocking....

Pastor: Gabby, that's huge.

Gabby: Well, I do have very long legs. Anyway, I also have to have my cookies ready and all my presents wrapped and under the tree.....and I have to clean out my nest....oh, it's very messy.

Pastor: But Gabby, don't you have time to prepare for the most wonderful event of the year?

Gabby: Oh, yeah....I forgot....I gotta take a bath...can I use the baptismal font?

Pastor: No, Gabby, you can't use the baptismal font....and, the most wonderful event of the year is not a bath ....

Gabby: It is if you're molting.....

Pastor: No...I'm talking about preparing for the birth of baby Jesus.

Gabby: And there's lot's to prepare for??

(Minnie, the cow puppet, pops up)
Minnie: Actually, Gabby...not many people know this but the animals were very important for birth of baby Jesus.

Gabby: What animals?

Minnie: Well, a lamb, an owl, a horse, some mice, a duck, some birds and a cow.

Gabby: Oh, I don't believe I'm saying Pastor's favorite line....okay, I think you'd better explain, Minnie.
Minnie: This is the story about someone coming to our house. Gabby, you can help me with this story; do you know where baby Jesus was born?

Gabby: Oh,'s starts with a "B" umm Boilingham?

Minnie: Gabby! Bethlehem. Anyway, a very, very, very long time ago in small town called Bethlehem, there was a gathering of many, many people from all over the countryside. You see, King Herrod wanted to take a census of all the people so he could charge them taxes. So everyone was ordered to gather in the little town of Bethlehem. 

Gabby: (sings) "Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie. Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by."

Minnie: ....there were people all over the town because the next day was when everyone would be counted for the King.

Gabby: So where did they sleep?

Minnie: Every inn in Bethlehem was full except for one special place ... a place where many animals stayed.

Gabby: Jellystone campgrounds?

Minnie: No, Gabby. A stable, way out on the very farthest end of the town of Bethlehem.

Gabby: A stable; with hay, horses, mice, and dirt (hey, it sounds like my nest)

Pastor: You'd better not have any mice.

Gabby: Aren't you more concerned about the horse?

Minnie: Excuse me....the story?.....well, then the most beautiful thing happened.....angels heard on high 

Gabby: (sings) "Angels we have heard on high, 
Sweetly singing o'er the plains"

Minnie: The most beautiful voices telling us, the animals, to prepare a special place.

(Lamb pops up)

Lamb: But who would want to come to our house; a cold, dark and dirty stable.....

Minnie: But Someone IS coming to our house, Lamb. 

Lamb: Then, we must clean the floor, and dust the beams.

(Owl pops up)

Owl: And all the while; I'll keep watch ... for someone... was coming to our house.

Minnie: And so, all the animals scurried about....the mice, the birds cleaned the rafters, the horse and the lamb moved out the old hay and
spread fresh, clean hay all around. Hours passed and the night grew dark and cold. But the animals were very busy getting ready...for someone .... was coming to our house.

Owl: And suddenly there sitting on a beam I saw them coming. But WHOOO was coming to our house?

Lamb: We did not know!

Minnie: But the angels told us this would be the most special night of all and so....we were ready. The night was very quiet; no one made a sound, we all waited by the door.

Owl: WHOOO! They're ready....they're coming.

Minnie: And, then there appeared Joseph carrying a small oil lamp to light their way and Mary riding on a donkey. Mary looked very tired and cold. We all stepped back to make a path for them. And one by one, the animals laid down in the soft hay around Joseph and Mary. You see, the warmth of all the animals helped to warm the stable on that cold night. And then it happened....the miracle the Angels told us about...the birth of baby Jesus. And Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a soft manger. 

Gabby: (sings) "Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head."

Owl: The stable was filled with warmth and the most beautiful glow that could be seen for miles. WHOOO, there are more coming to our house; 

Minnie: And more came to see the Christmas miracle. And they brought gifts.

Gabby: (sings) "We three kings of Orient are,
Bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder Star." 

Lamb: It was the most beautiful night; so quiet and peaceful.

Gabby: (sings) "Silent night! Holy night! 
All is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child,
Holy infant so tender and mild,
sleep in Heavenly peace!
sleep in Heavenly peace! "

Minnie: That most holy night, Gabby, a King came to our house. And, our gift to baby Jesus was a safe, warm deliver a joy for the world to behold !

Gabby: (sings) "Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King!"

Pastor: Amen. 

Copyright 2002 Gail Peterson 
Puppet Ministry
Grace Lutheran Church
5N600 Hanson Road
St. Charles, IL 60175

"Someone is Coming To Our House" can be edited, copied and distributed without prior permission if there is no charge made for the work performed/produced. This copyright notice should be included. If this work is edited, please include "edited by" under my name.

Song credits; "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "Angels We Have Heard On High", "Away in the Manger", "We Three Kings", "Silent Night", "Joy to the World".

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