Bible Pop Quiz Questions

for the Bible Pop Quiz Lesson

Student Instructions: Do not talk to anyone. First, read through all the questions. Keep your answers to yourself! If you've missed a class, and are not sure of the answers, that's okay, do the best you can! As soon as you're finished, hand me your paper and I'll give you some donuts. 

1) In John 3:16, the Bible says that God so loved the ____________ that he gave his only ________, that ________________believes in him would not perish but have __________________life. (Read John 3:16 and fill in the blanks.) 

2) True love doesn't condemn. In John 8:4-5, the Bible says the religious leaders wanted to stone the woman because she had been caught in the act of adultery. How can we know that the religious leaders were really not concerned with following the law? (See Leviticus 20:10.) 

3) What did Jesus say to the religious leaders? (See John 8:7) What can we learn from Jesus' example? 

4) God requires us to love even our enemies. According to the law , there were limits to retaliating against someone that did harm to another. What does the Law say about getting even. Read Exodus 21:22-25. Fill in the blanks: "For serious injury, you are to take_________ for _________, an eye for an _______, tooth for ____________, hand for _____________, foot for _____________, burn for _____________, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."

5) Jesus came to fulfill the law, not to change it. Read Matthew 5:38-48, he tells us what we really need to do with our enemies. In your own words, summarize what Jesus tells you and me.

6) When someone has hurt you or offended you, what is your natural response? 

7) How is it possible to respond in love, rather than to get even? 

8) There is only one way to get to Heaven. Jesus said in John 14:6. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Read Matthew 7:13-14, and fill in the blanks below:

"Enter ___________ the narrow __________. For __________ is the gate and ___________ is the_________ that leads to__ ________ and many __________ __________ it. But _________ is the_________ and ___________ the road that __________ to life, and __________ a few __________ it." In your own words, recap what you think this means. 

9) Think of a time when someone has offended you. If you responded in love, tell about that experience. If you didn't, what could you have done instead?

10) The first four books of the New Testament are ________________, ____________, ___________, and ___________. They are also known as the four Gospels. What do you think the word gospel means?

11) Why do you think Jesus wants us to respond in love, rather than to get even?

12) Read Romans 5:8-10. Answer by circling true or false:
a) At one time or another, God considered you his enemy. True or False?
b) While we are still sinners, Christ died for you. True or False?
c) You've been made right in God by the words of Jesus. True or False?
d) Jesus has made you right with God. True or False?

13) Why might you want to turn an enemy into a friend?

14) 1 John 3:16-18 is our theme verse for the month of June. Read this passage again and tell how we know what is true love?

15) Fill in the blanks from 1 John 3:18: Dear children, let us not __________with words or _____________, but with _____________ and in ____________. 

16) You were told to read all the instructions before beginning this quiz. If you followed the instructions, then only answer the next two questions and hand me your paper. Then you may get your donuts! :o) 

17) If you were to die tonight, do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? 

18) When you die, and stand before God, if he were to say to you, "Why should I let you come into my Heaven?" What would you say to Him? 

Copyright 1999 S.A.Keith--For classroom or home use.
Not for resale without the written permission of Sarah Keith.

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